
Balance poses are amongst my favourite asanas and I always include at least one in my classes. Balance poses can really bring you into your body, focus your attention and make you fully present. They can be quite meditative and sometimes when you come out of them you find that your perspective has shifted.

Balance is a process, not a state. When we go into tree pose we need to allow our weight bearing foot (and leg) to be open and responsive as we re-negotiate our relationship with the ground and gravity, maintaining length through the spine, staying in touch with the breath. Even as we find that sweet moment when our body is aligned and the breath moves through us without strain, there are constant shifts and micro-adjustments. In fact, it is when we freeze and we lock our knee and become rigid or we stop breathing that we are more likely to topple over.

Balance is more about freedom than about immobility. The joints need to be free and soft so that information can pass through them.

Balance is a dance where the dancing partners are the principles of asana practice: sthira and sukha, stability and ease. When that dance is at its best, balance brings with it stillness and a quiet joy. And we might find ourselves smiling softly.


Spring Practice